Courses - Greece
Εxperiential activities
Emilia Siakoveli – economics and social studies teacher
Eleni Ntreki – greek language teacher
School, country:
Lyceum of Kato Achaia, Greece
Acceptance - Collaboration
Title of the activity:
“Me and others”
1st class (15-16 years old)
Justification and description of the activity:
In order to learn to respect others and to put into practice tolerance, we must first know ourselves and others so as to discover that no one is the same as another. The group of 17 pupils participating in Erasmus – RESPECT, visited the specialized mental and social health promotion center “Kallipolis” and participated in experiential activities by the guidance of experts. This activity was followed by one more meeting at school where students presented their experience.
Sequence of activities:
Activation activity
Pupils stand up and form a circle holding each other's hand. The teacher passed a hoop at two  students through their joined hands. Students helping each other, raising their hands or bowing, managed to throughput the hoop around the circle without leaving their hands or use their fingers.
Activity for self-esteem
Students, sitting in chairs, form a circle and the teacher throw a ball to one of them. The student who catches the ball says an element about himself which makes him feel proud, as well an element of the adjacent student that he would  like  to  have.  Then  this  student  throws  the  ball  to  another  and  the process continues until all students speak. After, each student says what he discovered about himself and others.
Τrust and collaboration activity
Students gathered in a piece of cloth that was stretched out on the floor. They had to work together in order to find a way to turn upside down the piece of cloth while they were on it. This activity was done in two groups.
"I am", "I like" and "I dislike" activity
Students work in groups of 4-5 persons. Each group is sitting in chairs placed in a circle. Each student says something that he likes and something that does not like. Students can refer to anything they like and do not like feelings, characteristics, concepts, etc. Similarities and differences become more clear and precise.
Presentation of the experience
Students (divided in 3 groups of 5-6 persons) presented experience and feelings gained by the above activities.
Products/instruments of evaluation:
Students discussed about how they perceive diversity, respect, acceptance and collaboration. They expressed their feelings and they identified the benefits of participating in these experiential activities. Finally they collaborated and presented their experience from actions in which they were involved.
2 sessions (1 at “Kallipolis”, and 1 at school).
The hole group, or groups of 4 - 6 students, according to the activity.
Paper sheets, colored pencils, balls.
Mental and social health promotion center “Kallipolis”, school library.
Recommendations of the authors for putting it into practice:
This activity is suitable for tightening relations between members of a group, as well as the development of cooperation and acceptance relations.
1st Activity in Greece
2nd Activity in Greece
3rd Activity in Greece
4th Activity in Greece
5th Activity in Greece
5th Activity in Greece
New Teachers New Competences Training Notes
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